Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Nelson and Daddy had a 30th birthday party for Mommy at Nick & Nate's on Monday.
Nelson had so much fun!
Table #1

Table #2

Table #3Nelson was so happy to see his friend Ellie that he did a little dance and hugged her.

They sat together and shared french fries and ranch dressing.

The Morgan Family: Dylan, Quinn, Theresa & Russ
Garrett & Holden Thomason with parents Amy & Tony

The Shanks family (minus one): Grant, Leah, and Ellie
See Maggie below
The Worley family: Jennifer, Bryce, Carter, Scot & Maggie Shanks
The Whisman Family: Kevin & Adele
The Wagoner Family: Jim & Faye

Blow out the candles!Nelson likes icing!

Opening gifts

Friends: Mommy, Theresa, Torrie & Marnette

Thank you Josh for waiting on us!

Waynesville Christmas Parade

Nelson had a perfect seat!
Here comes Santa!

Gammy saves Nelson from growing a mullet.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Weekend at Gigi and Papa John's house

Nelson loves to go to visit Papa John & Gigi and all their animals!
Below he is waiting on the dogs to come in from the deck so that he can chase them.
He calls Denali "D" and he's got Annie down. We're still working on Lucy & Lizzie Grace.

Nelson and Daddy play a little tune on Gigi's piano. Gigi was so impressed that Nelson was playing with both hands and he even sang a little too.

Nelson and Papa John got a good workout on the exercise ball while Lucy and Annie observed.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

3rd and last time Trick or Treating in 2008

Halloween night, Nelson went over to Ellie's house where he met his buddies William and Henry. They took their parents trick or treating in Auburn Park.

What a crew!
Nelson, Ellie and Will are excited to see what candy this house is offering.

Nelson even met a real firefighter.

Nelson and Mommy pose for a photo under a scary inflatable haunted house.

Nelson and kids had a variety of modes of transportation:
  • Henry-stroller
  • Nelson-Mommy's arms
  • Will & Ellie-wagon
Left to right in picture:
Allison, Henry, Leah, April, Nelson, Grant, Ellie, Will, & Brian
Taking photo: Nelson's Daddy Brian
Nelson's favorite (besides Mommy's arms) was the wagon!
Look at that face!

Party Animals

After trick or treating on Main Street, Nelson's class had a party!

Nelson's mommy took balloons.
Nelson and his classmates had fun playing with them!

Is this all?

How do you get 7 one year olds to sit down and be quiet?
Cupcakes, cookies and bananas!

Trick or Treat on Main Street

Nelson's daycare class went trick or treating on Main Street to celebrate Halloween.
Nelson and racecar driver friend discuss the possibilities of candy before our departure.
Here they come!

After a couple of stops, Nelson was worn out!

Golfers need their rest!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Trunk or Treat!

Nelson dressed up as a golfer to attend the Trunk or Treat at his church.

He was all smiles anticipating all the candy he would get!

Trick or Treat!

Nelson tries out the M & M's.

He also made some time to visit with friends Henry the Lion and Ellie the Poodle.
Thank you GiGi for the fun costume!

Fall Festival at Balsam Mountain Preserve

Nelson attended a Fall Festival where his mommy works. He enjoyed the festivities!
Nelson made some time to pose for a photo and show off his muscles!
He enjoyed playing with Adele the clown!

Nelson especially liked the Lightening Ball game....

and the moonbounce!

Thank goodness for tubes!

Nelson had tubes put in his ears last Tuesday. Gammy came up to help take care of him.

He watched a few cartoons before going back for the surgery.

He looked so cute in his little hospital gown!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Nelson carves a pumpkin!

Nelson and Daddy clear out the insides of our pumpkin.

It was a new experience for Nelson.
Nelson is so pleased that his pumpkin looks like Elmo!

Good work boys!