Thursday, November 13, 2008

Weekend at Gigi and Papa John's house

Nelson loves to go to visit Papa John & Gigi and all their animals!
Below he is waiting on the dogs to come in from the deck so that he can chase them.
He calls Denali "D" and he's got Annie down. We're still working on Lucy & Lizzie Grace.

Nelson and Daddy play a little tune on Gigi's piano. Gigi was so impressed that Nelson was playing with both hands and he even sang a little too.

Nelson and Papa John got a good workout on the exercise ball while Lucy and Annie observed.


Unknown said...

Nelson, you always bring such fun times to Gigi and Papa John's house! I'm ready for another of your beautiful piano concerts--I think we have a very talented musician in our midst!! We love you up to the moon, precious boy!!!!

Anonymous said...

Every day I look at that beloved face and it brings a smile to my face! We love you, Nels!!