Thursday, May 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Nelson!

Nelson celebrated his 2nd birthday at the Transylvania County Recreation Department on Saturday, May 9, 2009 from 3:00pm to 5:00pm.

Papa John took time to show him around when he arrived.
Nelson sported a "I am 2! Nelson" Elmo shirt.

Time to eat with Daddy!

Chillin with Papa

The cake

Pin the nose on Elmo

Happy birthday big boy!

What a big piece of cake!

Nelson celebrates with the Sesame Street gang.

Nelson and Ellie dance to the Sesame Street theme song.

Time for presents!

"This is how I roll" Priceless!

Soccer ball from Daddy! Yaay!

Nelson tries out his new tricycle from Gigi and Papa John with some help from Aunt Anna in Nanny's driveway.

Nelson and Gammy discuss the party in Nanny's carport.


Unknown said...

What a special party for such a special boy! We love you so much Nelson!!!

Gammy said...

Nelson is two years old!!!! And we've treasured every moment of those two years! Love you, Nels!!!