Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Nelson enjoys his family over the holidays!

Gammy & Poppa had a party to celebrate Uncle Jeremy being home. Nelson and his Uncle Josh were both excited to be there!
Aunt Claudia came and played with Nelson.

Uncle Phil and Aaron enjoyed some friendly conversation.

Hammer Mike and Aunt Peg also attended.

Gammy and Uncle Jeremy spent some time catching up.

Nelson tried walking in Aunt Anna's shoes. He decided her life is way too hard and took his Nikes back.

Chase, Nanny, Mommy, Aunt Anna and Nels

Nelson shows Uncle Josh where the cow goes.

Nelson and Mommy act a little silly with cousin Chase. Nelson sure does love having her home from college over the holidays.

Nelson with his Poppa and Mommy!

Aunt Anna's shoes didn't workout, so he thought he would try Uncle Gregg's hat. Look at those blue eyes!

Nelson tries to talk Uncle Josh into staying longer.

Disgusted that Uncle Josh has to go back to Raleigh and work, Nelson reluctantly agrees to let Uncle Josh help him with his shoes.

1 comment:

Gammy said...

That Nels can make so many people happy!!! Nelson, you make my heart happy!! I love you!